Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

teks menjadi guide di dalam bis

          Well ladies and gentlemen, good moening, how are you today?
          Good, I’m glad to hear that. Once again on behalf justice tour and travel I welcoming you to the one of most beautiful island in the world. First at all please let me to introduce my crew. In my left hand side there is a driver who will accompany us during you stay in Lombok. His  name is Mr. Chaos, he is a very professional driver. He has been work as driver for 15 years, and he is very experience driver, so you don’t have to worry about our trip. And me, I will reintroduce myself , my name is Fransdika Dharmawan, you can call Frans, and I will be your tour guide during you stay in Lombok.

          Well Ladies and Gentlemen, now I will tell you about your program during you stay in Lombok Island. For your program, you stay in Lombok for 3 days and 2 night, in Senggigi Beach Hotel, and today is the first day you stay in Lombok Island, and our Program today is only transfer in, so now we are on the way to Senggigi Beach Hotel for check – in hotel. The Second day our program is Traditional Sasak Tour, that we wil visit many kind of traditional sasak village to see some traditional handindustri. And the third day is Transfer out. But before that we will visit Sayang- sayang Art Shop to buy some souvenir.

          Well Ladies and Gentlemen because our program today is going to the hotel, I wil explain you a little about the distance from the airpot to the hotel. From the airport to the hotel, the distance is 50 km and it will take about 90 minutes.

          Well Ladies and Gentlemen now I’ll tell you about Indonesia in General. Indonesia is Located Between two continent and two ocean like Pacific Ocean and Hindia Ocean, and the continent is Asia Continent and Australia Continent. And Indonesia is also located between 95 degrees east longitude until 141 degrees east longitude and between 6 degrees north latitude until 11 degrees south latitude.

          Indonesia has tropical climate, so Indonesia only has 2 season such as dry season and rain season. For dry season, it will happen from April until October and for rain season, it will happen from October until April. So now we are in rain season.

          The government of Indonesia is Republic, so Indonesia has lead by a president, the name of president now is Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, but the famous name is SBY,and the vice president is Budiono. Mr. SBY is the sixth president. The first president is Soekarno, The second is Soeharto, the third is Habibi, the fourth is Abdul Rahman Wahid and the fifth president is Megawati.

          The currency of Indonesia is rupiah. One dollar your money equal as nine thousand rupiah. For the ethic of Indonesia is a little deferent with your ethic, for example, in Indonesia you must wear good clothes in public, and if you give or ask for something, you must use right hand, all because if you make a good attitude with them, you will receive a good attention too, from them.

          Well Ladies and Gentlemen , Now I will tell you about the time of Indonesia. Indonesia have 3 deferent time zone, Eastern Time Zone, Central Time Zone, and Western Time Zone. And now we are in central Time zone at GMT+8. Because our time is deferent, please same the time with me, Now the time is 02.00 p.m.

          Well Ladies and Gentlemen, Indonesia have 33 provinces, and now we are in the one of provinces in Indonesia, West Nusa Tenggara, in Lombok Island. Lombok Island is located between Bali Island and Sumbawa Island. And Indonesia is also include in golden triangle tourism obyek.

          In Lombok there are many very beautiful torism obyek. For example Senggigi Beach, Gili Air, Gili Terawangan, etc. And also we can see a stone that only exist in two country in America and in Lombok Island, that is Blue Stone.

          Well Ladies and Gentlemen, the government of Indonesia is same with Indonesia, is Republic, but the leader in Lombok not a president, but a Gubernur.

          Well ladies gentlemen 10 minutes again we will arrive at Senggigi Beach Hotel, where you will stay in there for tonight, and for tomorrow night. Because of that please let me to inform you about the hotel. Like you know the name of the hotel is Senggigi Beach Hotel, it has been located in Senggigi Raya Street, and it’s also located near Senggigi beach, so you can see the attraction of Senggigi Beach directly from Senggigi Beach Hotel, and Senggigi Beach Hotel is a Four Stars hotel.

          Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, I will explain about the facilities of Senggigi Beach Hotel. There is a Resort, rooms with Standard and deluxe room, and there is a bar in there.
          For facilities in the room, there is a twin bed or double bed or single bed, DVD, full AC, Television, mni bar and safety box. And for your room, you will take Standard room, twin sharingbed and full AC. 
          Well Ladies and Gentlemen, now we are arrive at senggigi beach hotel, but before you get off from the bus, please check your personal belongings first, like your handphone or camera and don’t worry about your luggage, because the bellboy will handle it.
Are you finish???? Alright Ladies and Gentlemen Thank you for your good cooperation and attention, if I make a mistake please forgive me. Well Ladies and Gentlemen please get off from the bus one by one ladies first, mind your head and watch your step, and please wait me in lobby hotel, because I will handle your check in hotel.

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

pengertian kebutuhan dan keinginan

Kebutuhan adalah segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan oleh seseorang, yang apabila tidak terpenuhi, dapat menggagu kelangsungan hidup orang tersebut. Sedangkan keinginan adalah segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan oleh seseorang, dan apabila tidak terpenuhi tidak mempengaruhi kehidupan orang tersebut.
Ada 3 macam kebutuhan yaitu kebutuhan primer, kebutuhan sekunder, dan kebutuhan tersier.
Kebutuhan primer adalah kebutuhan yang sangat mendasar atau kebutuhan pokok seperti papan(rumah atau tempat tinggal), pangan(makanan), dan sandang(pakaian)

Apakah Kebutuhan dan Keiginan Itu Sama?

Terkadang beberapa orang menganggap keingininan dan kebutuhan itu sama, tetapi dalam kenyataannya keinginian dan kebutuhan itu berbeda. Seperti contohnya sepatu yang mahal. Menurut anda memiliki sepatu yang mahal merupakan keinginan ataukah kebutuhan?
menurut saya memiliki sepatu yang mahal itu merupakan sebuah keinginan, mengapa demikian???? Itu karena, dalam mimilih sepasang sepatu, kita tidak perlu memilih sepatu dengan harga yang mahal, melainkan kita dapat membeli dengan harga yang sesuai dengan uang yang kita miliki. dari pernyataan itulah, kita dapat menemukan perbedaan antara kebutuhan dan keinginan.


Ekonomi berasal dari bahasa yunani, yaitu Eikos yang berarti rumah tangga dan Nomos yang berarti mengatur.
Jadi pengertian dari ekonomi adalah mengatur rumah tangga. Akan tetapi sekarang pengertian ilmu ekonomi bukan hanya untuk mengatur rumah tangga melainkan juga untuk mengatur perusahaan ataupun lembaga - lembaga tertentu yang lain.
Dalam ilmu ekonomi biasanya mempelajari bagaimana cara untuk mengatur rumah tangga dan lembaga - lembaga lainnya.
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